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Cannabis Cocktails Are A Thing And We Gave Them A Whirl

Cannabis Cocktails Are A Thing And We Gave Them A Whirl

Admittedly, I've never been a huge fan of marijuana (medicinal or otherwise). I get the appeal, but in my early days with exploring its effects, it always made me more awkward, talkative, and paranoid than usual. But in post Prop 64 California, taking advantage of the effects of cannabis doesn't mean smoking oregano-esque weed in an empty beer can, getting weird, and ordering pizza—though it can be that too.

With the legalization of marijuana, as well as the recognition of its array of benefits, more and more products are popping up on the market that are geared toward people like me: those who may not be interested in that feeling of being "high," but want to ease pain, decrease anxiety, or any number of other ailments cannabis can aid and want it to be presented in a desirable (dare I say Instagrammable?) package. Enter Monk, a "cannabis cocktail" that combines fresh pressed juice, botanicals, and very low dosages of THC and CBD, the non-psychoactive marijuana compound. As someone curious about the evolution of pot products, I just had to give Monk a whirl. 

I teamed up with digital entrepreneur Jennifer Puno (some of her creations include PeopleMap and I Love Creatives) to get the low-down on low-dosing and see how this cannabis cocktail would effect me. See the results below and then head here to learn more about Monk or order a pack for your own experimentation. 

Set design by Grey & Elle, video editing/illustrations by Hanna La Salvia

Inside Artist Calethia DeConto's Inspiring Studio

Inside Artist Calethia DeConto's Inspiring Studio

Don't Miss Our Los Angeles Design Festival Pop-Up!

Don't Miss Our Los Angeles Design Festival Pop-Up!